Poesia della terra, memoria del tempo

Mistero seducente e inafferrabile, il vino è uno dei segni più importanti della civiltà dell’uomo, testimone di migliaia di anni di evoluzione e custode della sua identità. Ogni assaggio rivela un segreto, consentendoci di rivivere sensazioni, esperienze ed emozioni che hanno attraversato il tempo per arrivare intatte fino a noi.

Il vino racconta chi siamo, i nostri desideri, le tradizioni e i sapori della nostra terra, con una ricchezza sensoriale che è impossibile esprimere a parole. Non ci resta che metterci comodi, versarci un bicchiere e assaporare la sua storia.


PROFUMO DI VULCANOEtna’s mixed blood

Profumo di Vulcano was born in a small vineyard dating back to the late 19th century, from two half-hectare plots of land on the northern slopes of Mt. Etna, 600 metres above sea level, in the Passopisciaro district of Contrada Feudo di Mezzo, in the municipality of Castiglione di Sicilia.

MARENEVEA sharp alchemy

A passion that knows no bounds.

Mareneve springs from an idea of Salvo Foti’s, as simple as it is bold: to plant a vineyard at an extreme altitude to see how different grape varieties react to the high-altitude volcanic climate.

I have always regarded wine as a living thing: a changing element which mirrors our ever-evolving society.

I chose to step forward and embark on this adventure, with the aim of creating a link between tradition and innovation, while contributing to the promotion of an ancient and irreplaceable craft.



ETNA ROSSOStone from the volcano

After the experience of Profumo di Vulcano I felt a need to produce a more accessible wine, to share the fruits of my work with a greater number of people, connoisseurs as well as simple wine enthusiasts. That is why I purchased new vineyards located on the northern slope, within the “denominazione di origine” area, in a superb district that boasts a winemaking tradition over two thousand years old. It is from this sandy, rocky soil that my Etna Rosso is born. It is a wine that speaks the language of its land and embodies its spirit. A pure sip of authenticity.

ROSSO DI MEZZOThe exploration of a single vineyard

This wine is made using the best grapes from the centuriesold vineyards in Passopisciaro, from the four plots that belong to the winery in Contrada Feudo di Mezzo. The project looks to the future as well, since it will include, in the near future, the production of the young alberello vineyard from ungrafted vines situated in the same famous Contrada.