
Mareneve - Terre Siciliane Bianco IGT at "È sempre mezzogiorno!" broadcast on RAI 1

During the episode of “È sempre mezzogiorno!” on 30 May 2023 on RAI 1, Mareneve – Terre Siciliane Bianco IGT wine was presented by sommelier and gastronome Andrea Amadei.

Grandi vini d’Italia - 2013

Federico Graziani, Marco Pozzali
Grandi Vini d’Italia
New edition
Gribaudo 2013

The Guide is the result of six years of blind tastings by the authors and contains:

  • The stories of producers who work in a natural manner
  • The lands, the yields per hectare, the grapes, the vines and the vinifications
  • Suggestions for the best food-wine pairings
  • The number of bottles produced by the winery and the price
  • How to buy the wines directly from the producer
  • The list of the main and most well-stocked Italian wine shops

Atlante geologico dei vini d’Italia - 2015

Federico Graziani, with Attilio Scienza
Atlante geologico dei vini d’Italia
Giunti 2015

It is only through the history of its formation that the story of a landscape can be told: the geological horizons are the traces, the tracks (semèia) which are fundamental for reconstructing the phases of its origin, the initial act that is the foundation of its organisation, the imprinting it has received and which has gradually conditioned subsequent developments.
To recover this relationship, whose contours are often indefinite and unfathomable, it is however necessary to return to nature, to respect its laws, without the arrogance of man - demiurge.
Respecting the land means asking the earth what it can give us, and this attitude translates the work into "an alliance with the land".
Attilio Scienza